Personal Consulting - Dusanka Mravlja 


"Know thyself." (inscription on the oracle in Delphi, Greece; source dated 17/Sep./2023)


  • Holistic therapy of body and spirit, wellness of people and animals, ...
  • Anxiety, emotions, feelings, relationships, happiness, stress, freedom, traumatic events, ...
  • Energy flow, "I am", "Who am I?", abundance, personal growth, subconscious beliefs, mission, self-understanding, self-knowledge, self-acceptance, self-awareness, values, ...
  • Intuitive messages, (self) hypnosis, Tesla Healing Metamorphosis, transactional analysis, ...


Until December 31, 2024, the first three sessions are free, for the other sessions I offer a 50% discount.


Dear reader


I can help you:

  • with personal consulting;
  • with the Tesla Healing Metamorphosis;
  • or a combination of both methods


if you want to take care of maintaining or improving your physical and mental well-being - of you and your other family members and pets -, if you want to maintain or improve your youthful appearance and well-being, 


I can help you if you have found yourself in a period of personal crises or major changes in your life, if you feel that certain habits and beliefs are limiting you, that you are surrounded by boredom and dissatisfaction or that you are stuck at a point of no exit; I can help you find your own unique path in life. 


I studied TA (transactional analysis as a psycho-therapeutic approach) from 2020 to 2024; I received "TA practitioner" certificate in 2022, and "TA 101" certificate in 2021. At your request, I can also use the technique (self) hypnosis (I completed several basic courses on this). I enthusiastically follow the work of Marisa Peer, the author of the RTT® method - Rapid Transformational Therapy -; see dated 20/Nov./2023).


In addition to people, I also like animals and nature in general. I have been connected with the wonderful creatures of Nature all my life. I have been studying natural alternative forms of maintaining and gaining well-being for a long time. 


I am also enthusiastic about the Tesla Healing Metamorphosis (I received "Tesla Healing Metamorphosis" certificate in 2023), because it is a simple, useful and effective method for both humans and animals, and it rounds up and connects all the forms that I have come to know so far.


Dr. Bruce Lipton wrote: "Our beliefs control our bodies, our minds, and thus our lives..."; source https://www.goodreads .com/author/quotes/52035.Bruce_H_Lipton on 21/Nov./2023.


Together, we can find beliefs and habits that will allow you an easier and faster path to happiness, health and an abundance of good. You are invited to take a step closer to a better tomorrow.





CV or Resume (mostly in Slovene):

An eBook in Slovene:

Dušanka Mravlja: "Prispevek k osnovam transakcijske analize (TA) ter pogled na osebnostne adaptacije, stile in motnje. Laično in za laike." 

(Engl. transl.: "Contribution to the basics of transactional analysis (TA) and a view on personality adaptations, styles and disorders. A beginner for beginners). Self-publishing. Ljubljana, November 2023.

The book is (for now still free) available:


A free book: "Moj 25-dnevni izziv" (in Slov.; Engl. transl.: My 25 day challenge) (Ljubljana, 2018):


A free book: "Numerologija malce drugače/Numerology in a little bit different way" (Ljubljana, 2016):


Free books available on Smashwords:


A web page in Slovene "Dušanka Mravlja - osebno svetovanje"


Photo: Dusanka. Pizzeria Trappa, Ljubljana, November 2023 (personal archive).

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