I completed several short courses in (self)hypnosis and related content.

If you want to know more about hypnosis, please read Hypnosis Questions Answered, source from 26/Nov./2023: https://columbiahypnosis.com/hypnosis-questions/ or

watch Marisa Peer teaching self-hypnosis "Learn SELF-HYPNOSIS Today (Powerfully CHANGE YOUR LIFE)" - YouTube video; source from 26/Nov./2023): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2An_K4o21io&t=622s



"... Unlike coaching, counseling is focused more on the client's emotions, experiences and behavioral patterns. More attention is paid to the present and partly also to the past, while coaching is more focused on the future, achieving goals, developing the client's potential and increasing efficiency. whether in the personal or business sphere..." "... Compared to counseling, psychotherapy is a longer and deeper process, which is suitable for those individuals who want more thorough and lasting changes in themselves. For this reason, it is also suitable for those people who do not otherwise have serious problems, but they want to improve the quality of their own lives..." (Source team mojpsihoterapevt.si, https://mojpsihoterapevt.si/.../Razlika-med.../id/83

dated 7/Nov./2022.)

Note: Psychological counseling is provided by psychologists.



A slightly modified quote on "consulting" from my side:

"... Consulting should be oriented towards the client and towards the primary problem itself. And remember this. That we all have our own language and that when you listen to a client, you should listen knowing that he/she is speaking a foreign language and not try to understand him/her in terms of your own language. Understand the client in his/her language...

...I think it's very important to take the client seriously and meet his/her wishes. Do not exercise cold and hard judgment. And realize that people need to learn things, that you really aren't competent to teach them all the things they need. So that they can learn a lot on their own..." 


And the original quote:

"...Psychotherapy should be an orientation to the patient and an orientation to the primary problem itself. And remember this. That all of us have our individual language, and that when you listen to a patient, you should listen knowing that he is speaking an alien language and that you should not try to understand in terms of your language. Understand the patient in his language…

...I think it's very important to take the patient seriously and meet his wishes. Not to exercise cold, hard judgment. And recognize that people need to learn things, that you really aren't competent to teach them all the things they need. That they can learn a lot on their own…”

Source: Sidney Rosen (edited and with commentary by): My voice will go with you - The teaching tales of Milton H. Erickson. W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1991.



"True art is creation, and creation is beyond all theories. That is why I say to any beginner: Learn your theories as well as you can, but put them aside when you touch the miracle of the living soul. Not theories but your own creative individuality alone must decide." (quote by Carl G. Jung, source https://www.azquotes.com/author/7659-Carl_Jung/tag/art

dated 19/Nov./2022).

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