In addition to people, I also like animals and nature in general. I have been connected with the wonderful creatures of Nature all my life. I have been studying natural alternative forms of maintaining and gaining well-being for a long time. I am enthusiastic about the Tesla Healing Metamorphosis, because it is a simple, useful and effective method for both humans and animals, and it rounds up and connects all the forms that I have come to know so far.

"... Tesla Healing Metamorphosis® attracts great interest because clients report healings from many diseases that are considered incurable, such as cancer, AIDS, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, even healings from the physically damaged spine and birth deformities. Also, healings happen very quickly. Most of the time, three sessions are enough.

As mentioned before, I received  "Tesla Healing Metamorphosis" certificate in 2023; I concluded 4 workshops of Shamanic Heart Healing, authored by Lu Ka (https://visja-vibracija.si/ from 20 November 2023), in 2021-2022; I am an Usui Reiki master - I completed training in 2015, 2017, 2018; in 2008; I completed the basic level of a seminar with Zdenko Domančić (https://www.zdenkodomancic.com/ dated 20 November 2023).

"... Every living cell radiates light. Light is life. Tesla used the term “the spark of life”. Young and healthy cell radiates vibrant, coherent light. In the old and sick cell, this light is weak and chaotic. Tesla Metamorphosis creates a complex metamorphosis of the human body by bringing it into the perfect balance of light. Biophotons, these light particles, travelling at the speed of light, make up the electromagnetic frequency patterns. This matrix, or field of frequency oscillations or resonance [Tesla’s biofield] specificity provides the energetic switchboarding behind every cellular function. It provides DNA/RNA messengering and conducts the transference of information among cells, and throughout the Universe.

Nikola Tesla was aware that energy is not just a mechanical movement of particles; that he was interacting with Consciousness. Nowadays they call it the Field. Tesla used to call it Active Ether. In Tesla Metamorphosis, we are in this Consciousness through our heart intelligence. The healing occurs through the transfer of information between the consciousness of the client's bodies and Active Ether (the Consciousness). The healer is invited to be a part of the equation - observer and the observed...";

source from 26/Nov./2023: https://www.teslametamorphosis.com/index.php?lang=EN&pg_id=3&tt_id=9

Website about Tesla Metamorphosis® (and Anya Petrovic):  


(source from 26/Nov./2023)